Author: Richard Cartright

  • Why Construction Project Owners Should Use an Owner’s Representative

    Why Construction Project Owners Should Use an Owner’s Representative

    In the dynamic world of construction, where projects can span years, involve millions of dollars, and require the coordination of various stakeholders, the role of an Owner’s Representative (OR) becomes indispensable. This delves into the reasons why construction project owners should consider employing an Owner’s Representative, by exploring the benefits they bring to the table.…

  • Why Construction Projects Go Over Budget.

    Why Construction Projects Go Over Budget.

    Construction projects often go over budget Studies show approximately 85% of projects go over budget an average of 28% (Propeller). Large projects are particularly susceptible, often taking 20% longer than expected to finish, and going over budget as much as 80%(McKinsey and Company). However, most people trying to address the issue fail to truly understand…